Hypnotherapist reveals how to quit smoking this Stoptober

(Picture: Getty/Alamy/METROmylo

Giving up smoking? Yeah, we know how you feel.

It’s notoriously hard to crack the habit. The evil weed somehow calls us back time and time again, despite the fact we are clever people and we know it is all sorts of bad.

We get it. We really do. And we want to help you quit.

So we have got a leading hypnotherapist and psychotherapist on the case.

Susan Hepburn has helped thousands of people break free of addiction in the past 30 years, allegedly including singer Adele (she also helped Lily Allen crack her diet and drop three dress sizes, but that’s another story).
Susan helped Adele stub out for good (Picture: Susan Hepburn)

Susan is tough on addiction. For her, failure is not an option…

‘Let’s face it, you were not born to have an addiction,’ she says. ‘It is learned behaviour.’

This, she says, is where hypnosis comes into play.

‘Addiction doesn’t happen overnight,’ she adds. ‘It’s insidious and seems to take you by surprise.

‘It starts as an occasional smoke, then it’s taken a hold and you feel trapped, helpless, desperate and unwell.Susan helped Adele kick the evil weed (AP Photo/Matt Sayles)

Hypnosis works, says Susan, because it removes the guilt, anxiety, stress and fear associated with quitting addictions.

It helps you tap into your subconscious mind – the part of the mind where your cigarette cravings begin.

‘I help you “delete” the connections and associations that make you crave a cigarette,’ says Susan. ‘You will, quite simply, no longer want to smoke.’

What should I do if I crave a cigarette after I've quit?

‘After you quit, if you momentarily think you want a smoke, you are merely experiencing an association with smoking (such as after a meal or with a glass of wine),’ says Susan.

Take a deep breath and this will remove that supposed desire.

‘You will feel calm and relaxed and very proud, because it is your involvement, determination and commitment which will enable you to become a non-smoker,’ she adds.

Susan firmly believes that with continued meditations your life as a smoker can be finished forever.

‘Many young people are surprised to learn that smoking used to be allowed in commercial aeroplanes, cinemas, buses, trains (underground and overground), restaurants, offices, shops and virtually every public place,’ she reasons.

‘And yet one in four teenagers smoke cigarettes.’

This means that despite the smoking bans in place, 80,000 to 100,000 kids start smoking every day worldwide. Susan says it’s time for the ‘freezing individuals huddled smoking outside’ to come inside.

‘The many health benefits from quitting smoking are evident from the moment you quit,’ she says. ‘You begin to feel healthier, have more energy, your skin glows and your self-confidence increases enormously.’
Hypnotists’ technique to stop smoking:

Try Susan's 10-minute exercise

Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Breathe in and out deeply around 12 times.

Cast your mind back and think to when you had your first smoke.

Think about that time, that place, that transitional period into smoking.

Tell yourself that now you have located it, you are going to get rid of it.

Press your delete button. We all have one and you do too.

To delete the emotional association and complexities with your addiction is just like deleting files from a computer, the same analogy.

Tell yourself ‘I can do this and I do not need smoking to enrich my life… it is ruining my life’.

You will feel liberated and very proud of yourself.
The must-know tips
Really want to quit smoking for yourself, rather than being pressurised by someone else
Choose a ‘quit date’ – a date that should be as stress-free as possible
Calculate how much smoking costs you annually
Think of what you can or will buy with the money saved
Think about how you will feel happier, healthier and in control of your life
See yourself as a non-smoker when you quit, not an ex-smoker
Meditate on the unpleasant truths about smoking:

Dangerous chemicals – ‘Some experts suggest that nicotine is as addictive as cocaine when combined with tobacco products. Each cigarette contains more than 4,000 chemicals. Most are toxic and more than 60 are carcinogenic, while 11 are group 1 carcinogens (known to cause or aggravate cancer).’

Hidden truths – ‘According to a scientific report, some of the world’s biggest tobacco companies refuse to publish their research findings concerning the lethal radioactive substance polonium. They fear litigation. Getting tobacco companies to face up to the damage they are doing is said to be “like waking a sleeping giant”.’

Lung cancer – ‘Lung cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in the UK and the most common cancer in the world. Tobacco smoke causes almost 90% of all lung cancer deaths, and less than 10% survive for more than five years after diagnosis.’

Second-hand smoke – ‘When exposed to your smoke, a non-smoker’s risk of lung cancer goes up by 24% and heart disease by 25%. Second-hand smoke is linked to more frequent asthma attacks, as well as causing children to develop asthma. Children placed in these smoking environments have no choice in the matter. Smoke travels around the house, so designating one room for smoking – even in small quantities – makes no real difference at all. You will give you and your family a precious gift by quitting.’(Picture: PA)

How smoking addiction works

Susan sums up a smoking addiction as: ‘A compulsion to engage in a specific activity and to repeat this activity time and time again, as if powerless to stop’.

‘Cigarettes contain nicotine, found naturally in tobacco plants. It alters your brain chemicals and is often said to be one of the most difficult addictions to overcome,’ she says.

‘According to experts, the Government wouldn’t have the remotest chance of getting tobacco legalised now.

‘When you inhale, the nicotine rushes to your brain where it affects two brain chemicals in particular: dopamine and noradrenaline. These brain chemicals alter your mood and attention levels, giving you that pleasurable, relaxed “rush”.

‘This takes 16 seconds to achieve, so when you eagerly light up after a long haul flight for example and feel immediately better as you take in the first deep puff, it is not the nicotine that gives you the initial rush, it’s the deep breath.

‘It’s this feeling that you become addicted to. The more you smoke, the more your brain becomes used to these chemical changes. You have to smoke more to get the same feelings. You begin to crave cigarettes more and more.

‘When you quit, your brain chemicals are altered again and with most methods you tend to feel anxious, depressed or prickly.

‘You feel that only a cigarette will solve all this, so you crave it even more.’(Picture: John Stillwell/PA Wire)
How hypnosis can help

Susan says:

‘You may think that smoking is something you’ll never be able to quit, or something you certainly will not be able to do easily.

‘You’ve probably tried many times before. You no doubt feel that it has a deep physical and psychological hold on you that are almost impossible to shake.

‘You probably tell yourself, “I’ve been smoking for too many years to be able to quit now” or “It’s too late for me, I have probably done all the damage I am going to do, so what’s the point of quitting now?”

‘This is not the case. Anyone can quit smoking easily and permanently, without the usual side-effects.

‘The sooner you quit the better the chance of repairing your body. The moment you quit, your body starts to repair itself. There is strong evidence that if you quit by the time you are 30 years old, you will repair most of the damage.’

Susan teaches quitting smokers easy meditations and says she will ‘simply “delete” the urge to smoke from your subconscious mind’.

‘You’ll be amazed to find that you no longer want a cigarette,’ she says. ‘It’s like a switch being turned off. From one hypnosis session, you can feel happier, healthier and free from cravings.’ Quit Smoking BLOG


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