Are you trying to quit smoking? Check out these Quit Heroes and get inspired

QUITTING SMOKING MIGHT be the most rewarding thing you do in your life.

Anyone who quits will tell you it’s the best thing they’ve ever done – and possibly the hardest.

But it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think it is. You don’t have to do it alone.

To help you in your Quit journey, we’ve rounded up some people who have successfully quit smoking – some after as long as 35 years, and shared their stories to give you inspiration.

So pull up a chair, get inspired and get ready to quit.
How to beat a craving – The 4 Ds

Source: Shutterstock/racorn

In order to quit smoking successfully, you need to stop lighting up cigarettes. Sounds easy, right?

Unfortunately once that craving hits, it can often feel like a freight train about to hit, but there is a way not to give in – the 4 Ds.
Distract yourself
Delay the craving
Deep breaths
Drink water

Try and keep these 4 Ds in mind next time the craving hits and see if you can work your way through it, rather than lighting up.
And now the Heroes…

Source: lumaxart via Flickr/CC
Niamh, 3 weeks smoke-free
Why did you decide to quit?
For my health.
What is the one thing that is really helping you to stay smoke-free?
The thing that is really helping is keeping a few different apps on my phone that I can look at to see the progress I’ve made and the targets I’ve yet to reach. Also, telling other people and getting their support was a huge help.
How do you distract yourself from the cravings?
I beat the cravings by drinking water, exercising and reading my apps!
What is the best thing about being smoke-free?
The best thing about being smoke-free is being free of guilt. My immediate family never approved of my smoking, and I don’t have to sneak off in the night, during days out or at different family functions to have a smoke anymore. A day shopping with my mum is just that – and I have more money to spend too!
What tips or advice would you give to anyone else trying to quit?
My advice for other smokers is find a way of reminding yourself of your motivation, be it a smartphone app or a picture of your family – and keep it with you. Remembering why is the key to keeping focused.

Source: Shutterstock/Rawpixel
James, 5 years smoke-free
It has been over five years since I QUIT smoking. I have tried dozens of times and gave up very easy each time. The easiest thing in the world is to give up smoking, the hardest is staying off them. I couldn’t have done it without my friends encouraging me to succeed – they were great. The best thing is saying I smoked for 35 years and I quit. If I can do it, you can give it a try. The way it worked for me was, get over the first three days then the next three weeks, three months and you’re well on your way.
Here are some tips to help you quit -
Distract yourself for five minutes – this will help the craving to pass
Drink a glass of water – this can often help with waiting out a craving
Think how much money you’re saving – there’s incentive to stay off them right there

How To Quit Smoking
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