These days a lot of people is trying to quit smoking, but just a few succeed – here is the best method.

By quiting smoking, you will live longer

According to experts, the chances of success when quitting cigarettes can double or even triple if we rely on assistance during the period of quitting smoking. "The gold condition to go smokefree is a combination of medicine and counseling", says Yvonne Hunt, program director in the research department on tobacco control from the National Cancer Institute of the United States, quoted by Business Insider.

There are multiple options for smoking cessation recognized as:
Nicotine replacement therapies

Nicotine replacement therapies may take the form of patches, gum, tablets, inhalers, nasal sprays. So all the person has to do is choose what type of product is most comfortable, says Hunt.

In fact, these products are particularly effective when they are combined. For example, you can wear a patch of nicotine for the basic level need, and if there is a strong urge to smoke (when everyone else smokes or if you have the habit of smoking on the way home), it's the time when the nicotine dose should be increased to a tablet or a chewing gum.
Products without nicotine

Generic name for these types of products are varenicline and bupropion, but they are also known as Chantix, Wellbutrin and Zyban. They should be prescribed by a doctor, who can determine, with your help, how to combine them with nicotine products.

These drugs act on neurotransmitters in the brain is to block certain reward systems, including the rewarding effects of nicotine. "If someone uses it when they wants to stop smoking, he/she does not feel the same pleasure as if it would not take these drugs," says Hunt. "This helps to reduce craving and appetite."
Hypnosis, laser therapy, acupuncture and electronic cigarettes

From the point of view of scientific research and clinical trials, they are not considered "evidence-based treatments," said Yvonne Hunt.

Hunt's advice is to limit the methods that have proven effective to help smokers giving up the addiction: nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline, bupropion and counselors.

The recommendation is to choose a combination of drugs and counseling way to stop smoking - it's proven by statistics. According to the Department of Health and Human Services of the State, the estimated rate of quitting smoking within those who only used drugs is 22%, while those who have resorted to drugs and counseling rate jumped to approximately 28%.

Such medicines and counseling occur in several forms for US consumers: a special telephone line, which can be used to talk and establish a plan with a specialist and system messages by telephone, SmokefreeTXT, supported by the US government.


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